2013. július 24.

Superlative form

The building of the theatre is high. (HIGH)
The church is higher than the school building. (HIGHER) 
 The skyscraper is the highest. (THE HIGHEST) 
strong – the strongest
fast – the fastest
hot – the hottest
easy – the easiest
modern – the most modern
beautiful – the most beautiful
expensive – the most expensive
 valami/valaki a legkevésbé valamilyen = LEAST
Mary is the least successful in the family, she couldn't even finish secondary school
Statistically flying is the least dangerous way of travelling. 
Sheila is the oldest of the three sisters. 
 Sheila is the oldest in the family. 
A Polish man is the strongest in the world. 
The world's strongest man is Polish.
good(well)  better  the best
bad (badly) worse  the worst
much  more  the most
many (a lot of)  more  the most
little  less  the least
( a few nem rendhagyó)
 far  -  két verziója 
far farther  the farthest  - távolabbi
fa  further  the furthest  - távolabbi, további
The shop os farther/further from our home than the market is
If you need further information about the service, please call….

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