2012. december 31.


Míg a much és a many azt jelentik, hogy sok, addig a little-few páros azt jelenti, hogy kevés.
A little vonatkozik a nem megszámlálhatókra, a few pedig a megszámlálhatókra.
A sima little és few mellet létezik egy a little és a few kifejezés is. (egy kevés.)

I have a few eggs. I have enough eggs to bake a cake.
(not too many, but ENOUGH)
Van egy néhány tojásom. Elég tojásom van, hogy süssek egy süteményt.
nem túl sok, de ELÉG

I have few eggs. I don’t have enough eggs to bake a cake.

(not many and NOT ENOUGH)

Csak néhány tojásom van. Nincs elég tojásom ahhoz, hogy süssek egy süteményt.

nem túl sok és nem is elég

(A) LITTLE: nem megszámlálható főnevekkel használjuk
(a nem megszámlálható főneveknek nincs többes száma)

I have a little time to watch the news.
not too much, but ENOUGH

Van egy kis időm, hogy megnézzem a híreket.
nem túl sok, de elég

Oh my God! It’s 4pm. I have little time! I can’t finish the dishes!
(not much and NOT ENOUGH)

Úristen! Már négy óra van! Kevés az időm! Nem tudom befejezni a mosogatást!
nem túl sok és nem is elég


LIKE  prepozícióként:  azt jelenti, hogy hasonló valamihez.

Michael Douglas is like his father.
Mary looks just like a poodle with that hair.

Isaura worked as a slave at some plantation.  (rabszolga is volt)
Mike works like a slave, almost 12 hours a day! (Mike nem rabszolga, de úgy dolgozik, mint egy rabszolga)

LOOK-SOUND-FEEL-TASTE- SEEM LIKE  úgy néz ki-úgy hangzik-olyan íze van-olyan illata van, mint …

The garden looks like a jungle.
At last he felt like a real soldier.
My experience is very much like that described in the book.
He's very like his brother.
Sometimes you sound just like my mum! 
He looked nothing like the man in the police photograph.

WHAT IS SOMEBODY-SOMETHING LIKE?   ha megkérdezünk valakit, hogy valaki-valami milyen

What's their house like inside? 
What are Dan's parents like? 

BE LIKE SOMEBODY TO DO SOMETHING valakire jellemző valami

It's not like Steven to be late
It's just like
 her to run away from her responsibilities! 

JUST LIKE THAT  beszélt nyelvi forma, jelentése “csak úgy”

You can't give up your job just like that! 

 THERE IS NOTHING LIKE ..   nincs semmi, ami a ...-hoz fogható

There's nothing like a nice cup of tea! 

AS ... AS ...    olyan ... , mint ... - alapfokú összehasonlítás.

Tom's not as old as you, is he? 
 My grandma is an old woman with hair as white as snow. 
 Some of the doctors are paid almost twice as much as the nurses. 
 We work as hard as any other team in England. 
 Please let me know your decision as soon as possible. 

Talking about your home.

Q: Where do you live?
A1: I live in Budapest.
A2: I live in a small village, near Lake Balaton.

Q: Do you live in a flat or in a house?
A1: I live in a flat.
A2: I live in a house.

Q: Who do you live with?
A1: I live with my flatmate. We go to the same school, so it’s comfortable for us to live together and share the rent and utilities.
A2: I live with my family.
A3: I live alone.

Q: Do you share your room with somebody?
A1: No, I have my own room..
A2: Yes, I have to share my room with my sister, as we live in a small flat.

Q: Do you own or do you rent your home?
A1: I’m renting my home at the moment.
A2: I own a small flat, I managed to buy it with the help of my parents.
A3: I mortgage my house, so I have to pay the mortgage every month to the bank. 

Q: If you live in a house: Is it a detached or a semi-detached house?
A1: I live in a detached house in the suburbs.

Q: If you live in a flat: Do you live in a block of flats or on a housing estate?
A1: Yes, I live in a block of flats, on the second floor.

Q: How many stories has the building got?
A1: There are six stories in my building.

Q: How big is your home?
A1: My home is seventy square metres. I have five rooms altogether: there are two bedrooms, a kitchen, a bathroom and a living room. I also have a small hall and a balcony

Q: Are you happy in your home?
A1: Yes, I am. My flat is quite central, and I can walk to work. It is also located in a quiet street, close to a park.
A2: Unfortunately, I am not very happy with my home. It’s in the suburbs, so I have to travel a lot to go to work, and sometimes it is very dangerous to walk home alone on the streets at night in our neighbourhood.

What makes a house a home?

There are many different kinds of homes that we live in. You can live in a flat, in an apartment, in a bungalow or in a house. But what makes them different?


Sometimes living in a flat is a simple way to get on the property ladder when you are thinking about buying a home. Flats are often part of a larger building that has been separated in to smaller living spaces. The kitchen area is sometimes an open area shared with the living room and your flat will also have a bathroom and bedroom.


You may live in an apartment. An apartment is like a flat, but it is often part of a much bigger complex of buildings. Because apartments are often found in tall buildings you will have to use the lift or elevator to get to your home.


A bungalow is a word given to a house that is on one ground floor level only, a bit like a chalet. A bungalow does not have any stairs, because all of the living area is on one floor. This usually means you will have a kitchen, bathroom, lounge or living room and bedrooms.  This kind of home is popular with older people because you don't have any stairs to climb when you go to bed.


A house is a property that is usually built on two or more floors. On the ground floor you will find the kitchen, the lounge and maybe dining room where you eat your meals. Upstairs you will find the bathrooms and bedrooms. In some larger houses you may also have a small toilet downstairs.  Also in a larger house you may find a garage where you can park your car or bike.


A let’s kifejezés a let us rövid formája.

LET’S+ ige első alakja

A beszélő szeretne valamit együtt csinálni azzal akihez szól:

Let's dance! - Táncoljunk!

Let's escape now! - Szökjünk meg most! 

Let's go to the beach! - Menjünk strandra!

Van a let's-nek tagadó alakja is:

LET’S+ NOT + ige első alakja

Let's not talk about it any more! - Ne beszéljünk erről többet! 

Let's not go to work today! - Ne menjünk holnap dolgozni! 


 too -  megelőzi azt a melléknevet vagy határozót, amire vonatkozik.
 too cold,    too fast
enough -  ha melléknévvel van együtt, akkor először jön a melléknév, majd az enough.
               strong enough,      fast enough
             - ha főnévvel használjuk, akkor előbb következik az enough, majd a főnév
               enough money,       enough time

This exercise is too difficult for me.
I'm too sleepy to watch this movie.

The weather is too hot to go shopping now.
This coffee isn't hot enough for me.
I don't have enough time for you now.

Is this pullover warm enough to go out in this weather?
I don't have enough money to buy this car.

több, mint amire valakinek szüksége van/ több, mint ami kell
I'm always carrying too many books with me.

 Állandóan túl sok könyvet cipelek magammal.
You've put too much milk in my coffee.
Túl sok tejet tettél a kávémba. 

kevesebb, mint amire valakinek szüksége van/ kevesebb, mint ami kell 
There are too few students in the classroom. Where are the others? 
Túl kevés diák van a teremben. Hol vannak a többiek?
Something is not right. I've paid too little money at the shop. 
Valami nem stimmel. Túl kevés pénzt fizettem a boltban. 


Doctor:Good afternoon, sir. What’s happened?
Man: Good afternoon. I’ve just fallen off my bicycle and hit a tree.
Doctor: Okay, I see. Your ankle seems a bit swollen. Can you stand on it?
Man: No, it hurts a lot.

Doctor: It may be broken, so we’ll take an X-ray of it. Did you hit your head, too?
Man: Yes, and my ribs hurt, too and I also have some bruises.
Doctor: Do you fell nauseous?
Man: No, I didn’t hit my head so hard.
Doctor: Yes, I can see the wound. I don’t think you have concussion. But if you feel dizzy or nauseous, please come back for a check-up.
Man: What does the X-ray show?
Doctor: It’s not broken; you sprained your ankle when you twisted it.
Man: So, it won’t need to be put in plaster.
Doctor: No, just need to rest it.

I’ve just fallen off …  Leestem … -ról/-ről
Your … seems a bit swollen.  Úgy tűnik, hogy a … egy kicsit feldagadt/megduzzadt.
It hurts a lot.  Nagyon fáj.
It may be broken, we’ll take an X-ray.  Lehet, hogy eltört, csinálunk egy röntgenfelvételt.
Do you feel nauseous?  Hányingere van?
If you feel dizzy or nauseous, come back for a check-up.  Ha szédül vagy hányingere van, jöjjön vissza egy ellenőrzésre.
You just need to rest it.  Csak pihentetnie kell.


Dentist:Good afternoon, madam. How are you doing?
Woman: Good afternoon. I have a toothache, and I’ve also had some gum pain recently.

Dentist: I’ll take a look. Open your mouth, please.
Woman: How does it look?
Dentist: Well, it looks you have a few cavities. I need to take an X-ray to check for decay between the teeth.
Woman: … and what about the gum pain?
Dentist: There’s some inflammation. It may be the result of the cavities. Now, follow me please.
Woman: Certainly.
Dentist: Well, I have some good news. You have two superficial cavities, and I don’t see any evidence
of further decay. I’ll get these two teeth drilled, and the nurse will prepare the fillings in the meantime.
Woman: Will you get my teeth cleaned as well?
Dentist: Yes, the dental-hygienist will remove the plaque and get your teeth and gums clean and disease free.
Woman: Thank you.
Dentist: … and now take some water and rinse, please.

How are you doing? Hogy van?/Hogy érzi magát?
I have a toothache.  Fáj a fogam.
I’ve had some gum pain recently.  Az utóbbi időben fáj az ínyem.
I’ll take a look.  Megnézem.
How does it look?  Hogy néz ki?/Milyennek tűnik?
I looks you have a few cavities.  Úgy tűnik van néhány lyukas foga.
I need to take an X-ray.  Készítenem kell egy röntgent.
I don’t see any evidence of further decay.  Nem látom jelét további szuvasodásnak.
Will you get my teeth cleaned?  A fogköveket is letisztítja?
We will remove the plaque.  – Eltávolítjuk a fogkövet.


brainagyfemale genitalsnői nemi szervek
gall baldderepehólyagheartszív
intestinebélrendszerkidney(s)vese (vesék)
large intestinevastagbéllivermáj
lung(s) tüdő(k)male genitalsférfi nemi szervek
skinbőrsmall intestinevékonybél
veinvénavoice boxgége
ear lobefülcimpalipsajkak


1. hair - haj
2. head - fej
3. eye - szem
4. ear - fül
5. nose - orr
6. lips - ajkak
7. face - arc
8. neck - nyak
9. shoulder - váll
10. arm - kar
11. elbow - könyök
12. wrist - csukló
13. hand - kéz
14. thumb - hüvelykujj
15. fingers - ujjak
16. breast - mell
17. chest - mellkas
18. stomach - gyomor
19. abdomen - has
20. bottom - fenék
21. thigh - comb
22. leg - láb
23. knee - térd
24. ankle - boka
25. foot/feet - lábfej
26. big toe - nagy lábujj
27. toe - lábujj

armpit - hónalj
back - hát
belly - poci
belly button - köldök
calf/calves (tsz.) - vádli/vádlik
heel - sarok
navel - köldök
nipple - mellbimbó
palm - tenyér
sole - talp
toenail - lábujjköröm
tummy - poci

to have a big mouth - sokat beszél, nem tud titkot tartani
to cost an arm and leg - nagyon drága
to have a sweet tooth - édesszájú
to pull someone’s leg - ugratni, megviccelni valakit
to hit the nail on the head - fején találja a szöget, igaza van
to learn sth by heart - kívülről, szó szerint megtanulni valamit
to be an old hand at sth - tapasztaltnak lenni valamiben