2013. július 17.


ALANY: a cselekvést végző lény
Akkor kérdezünk alanyra, ha azt akarjuk tudni, hogy ki az a lény, aki (ami) a cselekvést végrehajtja/ hajtotta/ hajtani fogja.

Paula loves George.

Somebody loves George.
Paula loves somebody.
Question: Who loves George?
Question: Who does Paula love?
Answer: Paula.
Answer: George.
WHO: subject
WHO: object
George: object
Paula: subject

What happened? Who saw the accident?



Who wants some ice-cream?
Pedro wants some ice-cream.
Who did you call yesterday?
I called only Sue yesterday.

What happened here last week?
There was an accident.

What did Sue say to you?
She didn't say anything interesting.

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