2012. február 23.

Souvenir shop

- Can I help you ?

- Can I have some souvenirs. Not too expensive.

- What kind of souvenirs ? Card or stone or...and so on.

- I like some pictures or figures or city maps.

- I can recommend tourist card or map for walking, there are city postcards. Maybe would you like a small handmade painting from the countryside ?

- OK. It will be good. Can I have this picture.

- 15 pounds, please.

- Here are you.

- Anything else ?

- Can I have some coffee.

- Go to the nearby coffee house, please.

- OK. Thank you.

(- Here is your change
- Keep the change. )


- Do you have time today ?

- Yes. What do you like ?

- I have two tickets for a concert.

- Which concert is it ? What concert is it ?

- The programme is the Royal Philharmonic Orchestre from London.

- Sorry, I don't like it. Do you have another tickets ?

- Unfortunately, I don't have other tickets. I got this from my office. No problem. Perhaps next time I will ask for other tickets.

- Bye.

At the coffee house

- Good morning. Can I help you ?

- Hi, can I have a cup of coffee.

- No problem. What kind of coffee would you like ?

- Can I have a long, light coffee with milk.

- Sugar ? You take sugar ?

- Yes.

- How many sugars ?

- Two sugars.

- So, coffee americano with two sugars and milk. Enything else ? To eat ?

- Can I have to eat some cakes.

- What kind of cakes ? There are nutella, chocolat and fruit.

- Can I have an apple tart.

- Yes, you would like one apple tart. Do you want with cold or warm ?

- Cold please.

- So,please take a sit and I will bring it.

- Thank you.


TO BLAME - hibáztat

to say or think that someone or something is responsible for something bad

Don't blame me - it's not my fault.– Ne engem hibáztass, nem az én hibám!
I blame his mother. She does everything for him. – Az anyját hibáztatom. Minden megcsinál helyette.

blame somebody/something for something– hibáztatni valakit valamiért
Marie still blames herself for Patrick's death. – Marie még mindig saját magát hibáztatja Patrick haláláért.

blame something on somebody/something– valamiért hibáztatni valakit
One of the computers is broken and she's blaming it on me.– Elromlott az egyik számítógép, és engem hibáztat miatta.

somebody/something is to blame (for something) – valaki okolható/hibáztatható valami miatt
used to say that someone or something is responsible for something bad
Police believe that more than one person may be to blame for the fire.-A rendőrség úgy véli, hogy több, mint egy ember okolható a tűz miatt.

partly/largely/entirely etc. to blame– részben/nagyban/teljes mértékben okolható/hibáztatható
I don't blame you/you can hardly blame him etc.– Nem hibáztatlak/Aligha hibáztathatod őt
spoken used to say that you think it was right or reasonable for someone to do what they did:
She's left her husband. I don't blame her, after the way he treated her. – Elhagyta a férjét. Nem hibáztatom azok után, ahogy bánt vele.

Don't blame me! – Engem ne hibáztass!
spoken used when you are advising someone not to do something but you think that they will do it in spite of your advice:
Buy it then, but don't blame me when it breaks down.– Vedd meg, de aztán ne engem okolj, ha tönkre megy.

somebody only has himself/herself to blame– valaki csak magát hibáztathatja spoken used to say that someone's problems are their own fault:
If he fails his exams, he'll only have himself to blame. – Ha nem megy át a vizsgáin, akkor csak magát hibáztathatja majd.

BLAME – vád, szemrehányás
responsibility for a mistake or for something bad

take/accept the blame (=say that something is your fault)– valaki felvállalja a hibáját/ a vádat
get the blame (=be blamed) - valaki hibáztatva van valamiért
put/lay/pin/place the blame (for something) on somebody (=blame someone, especially for something that is not their fault)– valakit okolni valamiért
shift the blame (onto somebody) (=blame someone else for something you did)– valaki mást okolni saját hibánk miatt


Excuse me! – főként beszélt nyelvben használjuk

a) amikor udvariasan fel akarjuk hívni valakinek a figyelmét valamire, főleg amikor egy kérdést szeretnénk feltenni:

Excuse me, can you tell me the way to the museum please?” – Elnézést kérek, meg tudná mondani az utat a múzeumhoz?”

b) amikor elnézést szeretnénk kérni egy általunk elkövetett durvaságáért vagy kellemetlenségért:

Oh, excuse me. I didn't know anyone was here.” – Oh, elnézést kérek. Nem tudtam, hogy van itt valaki.

c) amikor udvariasan meg szeretnénk kérni valakit, hogy menjen arrébb, hogy mi is elférjünk

Excuse me, could I just walk past?” – „Elnézést, átmehetnék itt?”

d) amikor udvariasan közölni szeretnénk, hogy el kell mennünk:

Excuse me a moment. I'll be right back.” – Elnézést kérek egy percre. Rögtön jövök.

e) amikor nem értünk egyet valakivel, de szeretnénk ezt udvariasan közölni:

„Excuse me, but I don't think that's what he meant at all.” – Elnézésed kérem, de nem hiszem, hogy ő ezt így értette.

excuse somebody – megbocsájtani valakinek

„I'll excuse you this time, but don't be late again.” – Most elnézem neked, de többet ne késs!

excuse somebody for (doing) something– megbocsájtani valakinek valamiért

„Please excuse me for being so late today.” – Bocsásd meg, hogy ennyit késtem ma.

excuse somebody from (doing) something - elnézni valakinek valamit, felmentést kapni valami alól

„Can I be excused from swimming today? I have a cold.” – Felmentést kaphatok úszás alól ma? Meg vagyok fázva.

excuse yourself – exkuzálja magát
„Richard excused himself and went to his room.” – Richard exkuzálta magát, majd bement a szobájába.

Excuse me (for living)! – Bocs’ hogy élek!

2012. február 20.


- Excuse me!
- Pardon me!
- I beg your pardon!
- Sorry!

These are polite expressions that we use when we do something that could be slightly embarrassing or rude. Let’s see some examples!

- You usually use SORRY to apologize after you have done something wrong.

- Use excuse me when you want to interrupt someone, say something to a person you do not know, or get past someone

“Excuse me, do you know the time?”
“Excuse me, can I just reach across and get my bag?”

- Use EXCUSE ME when you have to leave someone for a short time.

“Excuse me for a moment while I make a call.”

- “Excuse me!”can also be used, especially in American English, when you have not heard or understood what someone has said.

“You're late.” “Excuse me?” “I said you're late.” “Oh, sorry.”

- Speakers of British English usually use pardon.

“My name is Timothy.” “Pardon?”

In British English, you usually say “Pardon me!” when you have done something slightly impolite such as burping or sneezing.

"I beg your pardon!” is a rather old-fashioned expression used to apologize for doing something embarrassing or for making a mistake in what you have said

“There are 65 - I beg your pardon - 56 students on the course.”

- Do not confuse the verb excusewith the noun excuse, which means a reason for doing something wrong, often an invented or false reason.

Brenda Lee: I'm sorry.

“I’m Sorry” is a 1960 hit song for then-15-year-old American country pop singer Brenda Lee. It peaked at number one on the Billboard Hot 100 singles chart in July 1960.

I'm sorry, so sorry
That I was such a fool
I didn't know
Love could be so cruel
Oh, oh, oh, oh
Oh, yes

You tell me mistakes
Are part of being young
But that don't right
The wrong that's been done

(I'm sorry) I'm sorry
(So sorry) So sorry
Please accept my apology
But love is blind
And I was to blind to see
Oh, oh, oh, oh
Oh, yes

You tell me mistakes
Are part of being young
But that don't right
The wrong that's been done
Oh, oh, oh, oh
Oh, yes

2012. február 4.

New relatives

On last Thursday I was on holiday. This day was exciting. I met new relatives. At 11 o'clock a.m.I went to the East Railway Station with my brother. One of the relatives lives in Békéscsaba, he arrived by train with his wife. We went into the Szép Ilona restaurant for lunch. After lunch, we ate dessert at my place, we drank fine wine and we talked a lot. We were looking at old photos. After 2 o'clock p.m. I went to the Southern Railway Station. Here’s met an another relative from village Tamási. He's a teacher and he could come after lessons by train to Budapest. We got home in 30 minutes. The two relatives had never seen each other, although they are closer relatives.

Both relatives were very nice and friendly people. At 6 o'clock p.m, they went home. I
hope so, we'll still meet.