to get
- elutazni valahova kikapcsolódni
I need to get away for a couple of days to take a break.
I need to get away for a couple of days to take a break.
to get
– arrive - befutni
She got in really late so we were worried.
She got in really late so we were worried.
to get
out (of) - to leave a vehicle - járműből kiszállni
I want you to get out of my car.
I want you to get out of my car.
to get
- to board a vehicle - járműre szállni
The passengers couldn't get on the bus because it was so crowded.
The passengers couldn't get on the bus because it was so crowded.
to get
- to end your travel at a certain stop - ki/leszállni valamelyik megállónál - I would like to get off at the next stop.
drive off - to drive away – elhajtani
She drove off without saying good bye.
to run
something/somebody over - to crash into and drive over something
or somebody - beleütközni és átgázolni valamin - He didn't see the cat and ran it over.
turn back - to stop and go back to your starting poin -
I left my passport at home so I turned back.
I left my passport at home so I turned back.

to pick somebody up - to go for somebody somewhere and take them to another place - elmenni
valakiért valahova. I asked my mother to pick me up after school.
to drop somebody off - to take somebody somewhere - elvinni valakit valahova - Could you drop me off at the bank?
to set out - to start a journey - útra kel valamerre - When do you plan to set out?
to take off - if an aircraft takes off, it rises into the air from the ground -
felszáll a repülő - The plane took off and we were in our way to Spain.
felszáll a repülő - The plane took off and we were in our way to Spain.
to see somebody off - to go to a place somebody is leaving from to say goodbye - kikísérni
valakit (az állomásra) - All of my friends saw me off at the train station.
to check in - to register at a hotel - bejelentkezni egy szállodába - We checked in and then went to our hotel room.

to check out - to leave after your stay at a hotel - kijelentkezni egy szállodából
We had to check out early in the morning because we
didn't pay for the extra day.
to look around - to see what there is to see - szétnézni
We wanted to look around before we left the city.
We wanted to look around before we left the city.
to hurry up - to be quick - sietni
Hurry up or we'll miss the train!
Hurry up or we'll miss the train!
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